Much more on Menopause

I take hormone replacement therapy. I continue to experience fatiguing and stress. Why?
It is a normal phenomenon. It also depends on the type of treatment you are taking. Many women are just more appropriate treatment compared to a combined pill protesting. As with stress, enjoy a lifestyle, coping mechanisms or other drugs. Ask Dr. Maurice, for review.

What can I do to help without drugs symptoms of menopause. Take better care of the body. It may sound corny, but it may offer protection against all types of diseases and symptoms of menopause.
2. Eat well. Make sure your daily intake of calcium and iron is sufficient, because the bones of the effects of menopause as well. A diet rich in fiber, low fat is best.
3. Go to the allowances. If you think you cannot the essential nutrients such as calcium or vitamins in your diet take, supplements.
4. Exercise regularly. Every day on foot cardiovascular exercise for the heart. Try a few minutes the week yoga or palates.
5. Eliminate the causes of stress in your life. Work on the stressful aspects of their lives and get rid once and for all.
If the pregnancy is possible if I were a part of postmenopausal?
Yes, though not common, is familiar. If not showed for the symptoms of menopause, you can never be, the possibility of pregnancy. Ensure appropriates contraceptive method if you are interested pregnant.
I had recurring yeast infections since I entered postmenopausal. The two together?
There is no direct causal relationship. You may have read earlier in the postmenopausal, there is a direct effect on the dry genitor-urinary and vaginal to. This dryness can be a trigger for vaginal infections, but does not predispose the menopause, the threat in any way.

Menopause is known to be associated with neurological disorders related?
No, he does not know the associations of menopause or postmenopausal neurological diseases. However this is a very stressful time in a woman's life, stress, depression, mood swings and other psychiatric disorders occur very often. Many also of poor concentration and attention, complain about these symptoms.
If weight gain during menopause?

Not a few times, yes. However much of it due to depression binging on food and lethargy. If you eat healthy and exercise regularly, there is no reason you should weight gain during menopause.
How surgically induced menopause?
Removal of the ovaries, often a hysterectomy, which surgically induced menopause almost immediately. Other methods such as tubal legation or tubal legation reversal does not cause menopause.
Is any clinical condition induced menopause?
Yes, premature ovarian failure, it may be early in the menopause.